Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gene linked to inflammation in the aorta may contribute to abdominal aortic aneurysm

ScienceDaily (Oct. 24, 2012) ? A gene known to be involved in cancer and cardiovascular development may be the cause of inflammation in the most common form of aortic aneurysm and may be a key to treatment, according to research from Nationwide Children's Hospital. The study, appearing online in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology on October 18, 2012, is the first to show that Notch 1 signaling is activated in abdominal aortic aneurysmal tissue in mice and humans.

The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) occurs when the weakened aortic wall dilates in the abdominal portion of the vessel; they are the most common form of aortic aneurysms. AAA is a leading cause of death in the United States, especially among men over the age 65, and the disease is linked to smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. AAA is extremely rare in children, but can occur in those who experience a blunt trauma or who have connective tissue diseases. Surgery is currently the only treatment for AAA and less than 20 percent of patients will survive a ruptured aneurysm.

"There is critical need to develop pharmacologic interventions that can selectively target one or more features of AAA to prevent the progression or stimulate regression in already diagnosed patients," says the study's senior author, Vidu Garg, MD a cardiologist in The Heart Center at Nationwide Children's Hospital and a principal investigator in the Center for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research.

Inflammation is a hallmark of AAA. The Notch 1 gene is involved in many developmental processes in humans and studies have shown its signaling pathway to be active in several inflammatory diseases.

"Notch 1 signaling is a significant regulator of the inflammatory response," says the study's lead author, Chetan Hans, PhD, principal investigator in the Center for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research at Nationwide Children's Hospital. "However, its role in AAA is unknown."

To examine the role of Notch 1 signaling in AAA development, Dr. Hans and colleagues first inspected tissue specimens from the abdominal aorta of patients undergoing AAA repair and a mouse model of the disease. They provide the first evidence that Notch 1 signaling is activated in these models and in human patients. They then closely examined the role Notch 1 signaling plays in the Angiotensin II-induced mouse model of AAA, when Notch 1 signaling is inhibited.

Findings showed that mice that had a genetic deficiency of Notch1 or received a chemical Notch inhibitor had less inflammation in the aorta and had a reduced incidence of AAA.

"Our data suggest that Notch 1 is an important player in the inflammatory process in the setting of AAA," says Dr. Hans. "Treatment with Notch 1-specific inhibitors may be a potentially promising strategy for slowing aneurysm development."

Dr. Hans says further studies are needed to understand the specific role of these inflammatory factors in AAA.

Other investigators who contributed to this study are Sara Koenig, Nianyuan Huang, Jeeyun Cheng, Susana Beceiro, Anuradha Guggilam and Santiago Partida-Sanchez from The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital and Helena Kuivaniemi from The Siegfried and Janet Weis Center for Research, Geisinger Clinic.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Nationwide Children's Hospital.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. C. P. Hans, S. N. Koenig, N. Huang, J. Cheng, S. Beceiro, A. Guggilam, H. Kuivaniemi, S. Partida-Sanchez, V. Garg. Inhibition of Notch1 Signaling Reduces Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Mice by Attenuating Macrophage-Mediated Inflammation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2012; DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.112.254219

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Formula unlocks secrets of cauliflower's geometry

ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) ? The laws that govern how intricate surface patterns, such as those found in the cauliflower, develop over time have been described, for the first time, by a group of European researchers.

In a study published October 24, in the Institute of Physics and German Physical Society's New Journal of Physics, researchers have provided a mathematical formula to describe the processes that dictate how cauliflower-like patterns -- a type of fractal pattern -- form and develop.

The term fractal defines a pattern that, when you take a small part of it, looks similar, although perhaps not identical, to its full structure. For example, the leaf of a fern tree resembles the full plant and a river's tributary resembles the shape of the river itself.

Nature is full of fractal patterns; they can be seen in clouds, lightning bolts, crystals, snowflakes, mountains, and blood vessels. The fractal pattern of the cauliflower plant is ubiquitous and can be spotted in numerous living and non-living systems.

The properties of fractals, such as their shapes, sizes and relative positions, have been studied extensively; however, little is known about the processes involved in their formation.

To identify this, the researchers, from Comillas Pontifical University, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales-CSIC, ?cole Polytechnique and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, firstly grew thin films using a technique known as chemical vapour deposition (CVD).

CVD is a technique used to grow a solid, in which a substrate is exposed to a number of precursors that react and/or decompose on its surface to create a specific thin film. The researchers tailored the CVD process so the film would grow into shapes similar to those seen on a cauliflower, but limited to the submicron scales.

From this the researchers were able to derive the formula which described how the cauliflower-like patterns develop over time. They proved that the formula was able to successfully predict the final cauliflower-like patterns by comparing them to actual cauliflower plants and combustion fronts, both of which occur at much larger scales.

Co-author of the paper, Mario Castro, said: "In spite of the widespread success of fractal geometry to describe natural and artificial fractal shapes, purely geometrical descriptions do not provide insight into the laws that govern the emergence of the shapes in time.

"We believe that by knowing the general laws that dictate how these patterns form and grow, it will help to identify the biological and physical mechanisms that are at play."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Institute of Physics (IOP), via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Mario Castro, Rodolfo Cuerno, Matteo Nicoli, Luis V?zquez, Josephus G Buijnsters. Universality of cauliflower-like fronts: from nanoscale thin films to macroscopic plants. New Journal of Physics, 2012; 14 (10): 103039 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/10/103039

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Re: FTM2012: Sync one tree between two computers? - Family Tree ...

You can also set up a local network so you can save your file to both laptop and main computer. We have a network between out two PCs, but I don't have the network on my new laptop yet. I don't know how to do it, so waiting for DH. They aren't sync'd, but right now I copy the tree to a thumb drive and move between and it's a pain.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Is Apple trying to bury Microsoft under a product avalanche?

Apple's product pileup today may have something to do with Microsoft and Windows 8.

Apple's product pileup today may have something to do with Microsoft and Windows 8.

(Credit: Apple )

Can Microsoft crawl out from under the stack of Apple products announced today?

I don't think I'm the only one stunned by the crush of new Apple products. What, a fourth-generation iPad already? New Mac Minis? Then the new iMacs on top of the 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro?

Apple seemed to throw everything but the kitchen sink out there today. But that's only because the rest of the kitchen sink -- the new iPhone and iPod -- was already out there.

Maybe Apple just felt it was time to do a mega-upload of new products. Or maybe, just maybe, Apple wants to crush Microsoft and Surface and Windows 8.

So far, though, that's not happening. As I look at my news feed Tuesday evening, Windows 8 product news is dominating. (Though Microsoft Surface reviews are not very positive).

And count me among those just as focused on Windows 8 as Apple. Products like HP's Envy x2 hybrid or laptops with gorgeous touchscreens like the Spectre XT TouchSmart have got my attention.

Not to mention Microsoft Surface. (I'm holding out for the next Surface, i.e., the Intel-based Surface Pro.)

And, come to think of it, my "new" Retina iPad -- as CNET's Roger Cheng aptly pointed out -- is now obsolete, thanks to the newer fourth-generation iPad.

October 26 is almost here.


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HUFFPOST HILL - Debate Three: Look Who's Talking NOW

Tonight's debate is competing with both the NLCS and Monday Night Football, but at least the hockey moms and NASCAR dads will tune in. Todd Akin compared Claire McCaskill to a dog, though we're pretty sure Akin's the one who is more likely to rub his butt across a carpet. And the Romney campaign has run an inordinate number of ads during "The Andy Griffith Show," probably in an attempt to shore up the "people who say 'Gosh!' vote. This is HUFFPOST HILL for Monday, October 22nd, 2012:

FINAL DEBATE ON FOREIGN POLICY, THAT THING NO ONE CARES ABOUT - Moderator Bob Schieffer has announced the topics to be discussed this evening: 1. "America's Role in the World." 2. "Our Longest War -- Afghanistan and Pakistan." 3. "Red Lines -- Israel and Iran." 4. "The Changing Middle East and the New Face of Terrorism." 5. "The Rise of China and Tomorrow's World." No one can say how many times the president will pivot to Osama bin Laden's death ("You know who can't suffer from China's unfair currency manipulation?") or just how much the China question will become a screaming match about Toledo's job market, but we'll witness both at least once.

It's going to be an uphill battle, Josh Hersh reports: "[T]here's reason to see an ominous sign for a president who has thrown his support behind the popular uprisings in countries like Egypt and Libya: ...After a wave of protests at several American embassies in countries like Tunisia and Egypt, and the devastating attack on an American diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, Obama has increasingly had to defend his policy of supporting the democratic transitions, despite the chaos some seem to have brought with them...But the American public is showing signs of growing restless. One recent poll from the Pew Research Center found that a majority of Americans do not believe the Arab revolutions will improve life in those countries. Fifty-four percent agreed that it is more important to have stability than democracy...More worrisome for the Obama campaign are the indications that his lead on foreign policy matters has been slipping somewhat, especially since the September attack in Benghazi. A recent Wall Street Journal poll gave the president an eight point lead over Romney, 46 percent to 38 percent, down seven points from the year before." [HuffPost]

As always, we will live-tweet the debate from our beauty tips resource/Twitter account@HuffPostHill

GEORGE ROMNEY: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IS HARD - In a 1964 letter to state lawmakers, Michigan Gov. George Romney talked about opportunity in America like a true Occupier. "It is a paradox that in the midst of an affluent society and a booming state economy, the impoverished, the helpless, and the jobless are visible all around us," the elder Romney wrote. Mitt Romney has suggested success in America is a matter of just being born here. Not what dad thought: "The facts of the matter are these. First, that a prosperous economy does not guarantee prosperity to all of our citizens. Secondly, that we have legal and moral commitments in connections with the subsistence, support, care and dignity or those in need. But more important is hope based on concern and opportunity. Third, that our ability to meet these obligations means the prudent expenditure of tax dollars." Hat tip to freelance oppo researcher James Carter for finding the letter.

CHANGE.ORG WILL SEE YOU NOW, AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE -, the leading online social movement company, has decided to reject its founding progressive principles and embrace corporate advertising, Republican party solicitations, astroturf campaigns, pro-life or anti-union ads and other sponsorships that its liberal base of users may object to, according to internal company documents. The change will be implemented on Monday, Oct. 22, but the company wasn't planning to tell its base of progressive users. "[W]e have no plans to proactively tell users about the new design or our new mission, vision, or advertising guidelines," reads a company document which, along with several other internal documents, was leaked to Jeff Bryant of the Campaign for America's Future, a liberal organization, and subsequently provided to The Huffington Post., according to its leadership FAQ, will by Monday include new "awesome language about what is" on its website. "The biggest operational change will be to our advertising guidelines (previously known as our 'client policy'), which will now be a Google-like open advertising policy in which determinations about which advertisements we'll accept are based on the content of the ad, not the group doing the advertising," reads the FAQ. Nevertheless, the company's new policy does allow it to reject an ad if accepting it threatens the firm's "brand."

SOUP KITCHEN VISITED BY PAUL RYAN NOT DEAD - Jason Cherkis: "The soup kitchen facing a donor backlash in the wake of Paul Ryan's embarrassing photo op has been rescued by the internet. The day after HuffPost broke the kitchen's sad news, Corey Snow of Olympia Washington, organized an online fundraising drive on the charity's behalf. In about 30 hours, Snow had raised $10,000. By Monday morning, donations had reached more than $12,600. Snow said that he was upset that the most needy would become pawns in presidential politics. 'People are hungry regardless of whether you vote Democrat or Republican,' he said. 'I thought it was not cool that they were pulling donations.' Snow, who has talked with the charity's director, plans on keeping the campaign going long past the election. He plans on turning in his donations to the soup kitchen by mid December. 'The election will still be over but people will still be hungry,' he said. The campaign site link is There is also a direct donation site set up by the Mahoning County Society of Saint Vincent de Paul at, and of course the national site at

DAILY DELANEY DOWNER - Rick Scott's unemployment reforms are very effective, and things are getting better and better. "Florida ranks last in the nation for the rate of unemployed people receiving state benefits and in January its going to become even stingier. The eligible weeks of unemployment insurance benefits will shrink to 19 from 23. September's unemployment rate of 8.7 percent released Friday sealed the deal. And worker advocates say the state has put other changes to the system in place that stymie eligible unemployed people from getting benefits." [Palm Beach Postt]

Don't be bashful: Send tips/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to Follow us on Twitter - @HuffPostHill

POLL: VOTERS DISAPPROVE OF BENGHAZI RESPONSE - You might say that these polling numbers are not ... wait for it ... wait for it ... optimal. Nailed it. Emily Swanson: "[A] new HuffPost poll has found that the president's handling of the attacks on the US mission in Benghazi is a potential weakness within what has been a strong issue area for Obama. The new survey found that a 41 percent to 32 percent plurality of US adults do not approve of Obama's handling of the attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. Obama's approval on the issue is starkly divided along party lines, with Democrats approving 63 percent to 9 percent and Republicans disapproving 80 percent to 7 percent. A 41 percent to 24 percent plurality of independents said they do not approve of Obama's handling of the issue." [HuffPost]

ROMNEY CAMP SPREADING THE LOVE, TEAM OBAMA A BUNCH OF SELFISH JERKS - Elizabeth Warren would gladly pay you Tuesday for an ad buy today. Sam Stein: "The Mitt Romney campaign victory fund has transferred a total of $6 million to the National Republican Senatorial Committee and $6 million to the National Republican Congressional Committee, according to campaign finance records. The latest transfers came during the month of September, when the NRSC and the NRCC each received $4.5 million in funds from the Romney campaign victory fund. The transfers contrast sharply with President Barack Obama's strategy, which has been to more or less let allied campaign committees fend for themselves. They illustrate how election law constraints and broader strategic visions have affected each candidate's relationship to others in his party during the 2012 election." [HuffPost]

OBAMA HAS EDGE IN NEVADA EARLY VOTING - National Journal: "About 53 percent of the voters who turned out on Saturday and Sunday in Clark County, the state's most populous, were Democrats, while just 31 percent were Republicans. The 22-point disparity is higher than the 15 points by which Democrats outnumber Republicans -- a sign, the party says, of the field organization Sen. Harry Reid and Nevada Democrats have spent a decade building. Early voting in Washoe County, home to Reno, showed a similar Democratic advantage. Registered voters in the state's bellwether county split evenly, 38 percent for both Democrats and Republicans. Over the weekend, Democrats made up 47 percent of those casting ballots early, compared with 38 percent for Republicans, a nine-point Democratic advantage." [National Journal]

Amanda Terkel reports from Wisconsin, where early voting is underway.

OBAMA STILL HOLDS MUY GRANDE LEAD AMONG LATINO VOTERS - Sadly for Mitt Romney, his dream campaign strategy of being Latino will never come to fruition, though we don't think people care about the pigmentation of the person trying to deport their friends. Politico: "In the NBC/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo national poll's oversample of Latino voters, Obama draws 70 percent of likely Latino voters to Mitt Romney's 25 percent. (Among registered voters, Obama gets 69 percent to Romney's 23 percent.) The latest impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll has very similar results: 71 percent of registered voters said they would support Obama while 20 percent planned to vote for Romney." [Politico]

A thermal aircraft with a Romney advertisement on it crash landed in Florida, injuring no one and delighting metaphor enthusiasts.

CAMPAIGNS THINK YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF STEREOTYPES - That's according to an analysis by Yahoo News of TV spending by Democrats, Republicans and their allies. Yahoo: "'The Andy Griffith Show' is the second-most Republican-leaning program in the country, as measured by the partisanship of the political ads that run during its episodes. Only the Olympics saw a higher percentage of Republican ads, according to a Yahoo News analysis of the filings reported to the Federal Communications Commission by the TV stations in the top 50 media markets. '2 Broke Girls' swung the most heavily to the Democrats--surprising, perhaps, given that the title evokes Mitt Romney's message that the economy is floundering under President Barack Obama's stewardship. (It is not surprising if you consider the subject: single women.) 'Judge Joe Brown' came in second." [Yahoo News]

American Bridge's new Missouri campaign mailer plays Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comments when opened. Sadly, it doesn't say "My name is judge."

TODD AKIN CALLS CLAIRE MCCASKILL A DOG - The Republican Senate candidate's thoughts on women have blown right by "misogynistic" and are barreling toward "drunk Viking" at an alarming speed. PoliticsMO: "Akin made the comparison during a fundraising event in Springfield, where he featured support from former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, one of the few national Republicans still backing Akin after much of the party establishment distanced themselves from his candidacy following the controversy earlier in the race surrounding his comments about 'legitimate rape.' 'She goes to Washington, D.C., it's a little bit like one of those dogs, 'fetch,'' he said. 'She goes to Washington, D.C., and get all of these taxes and red tape and bureaucracy and executive orders and agencies and brings all of this stuff and dumps it on us in Missouri.'" [PoliticsMO]

@rickwtyler: If Claire McCaskill were a dog, she'd be a "Bullshitsu",

BECAUSE YOU'VE READ THIS FAR - Husky sings along to Gwen Stefani.

DC: NOT A SWING DISTRICT - HuffPost DC: "This photo pretty much sums up Mitt Romney's chances to win the District of Columbia's three electoral votes." [HuffPost]


- Kids react to the 2012 campaign. We learn that Mitt Romney is the broccoli of children's programming. []

- Kindly old gentleman carves a pumpkin with a Colt 1911. You should watch this, even though he's totally ripping off a well-known episode of "Martha Stewart Living." []

- Cats unfazed when presented with apples. Cats unfazed when apples disappear. []

- Video from inside an F-15, which is a bit like a drone... but with a person inside. []

- Trailer for a forthcoming documentary about "Arrested Development." []

- The war on women extends to the gym. []

- Puppy cams are the future of video programming. []


@AdamSerwer: Can't wait till after election day when Todd Akin tears off his Mission: Impossible style mask and turns out to be Terry McAuliffe

@dceiver: The Ottoman Empire is +3 in the Gallipoli Poll, though.

@StevenTDennis: Boca Raton is at sea level. Advantage Obama? cc: Al Gore.


Tomorrow, Noon: Eric Cantor, everyone's favorite vampiric congressman, does a turn for California congressional candidate and state Senator Tony Strickland.

Wednesday, 5:30 pm: Despite his nationwide popularity that rivals that of Oprah and Sully Sullenberger, John Kerry skips the swing states and campaigns for Martin Heinrich. Jeff Bingaman, and Tom Udall will also make appearances. [Santa Fe, NM]

Wednesday, 6:00 pm: The Republican Party of Iowa hosts its annual Ronald Reagan dinner, which is a great opportunity for prospective presidential candidates. Mitt Romney might be a wee bit offended that Bob McDonnell is attending. Chuck Grassley, Terry Branstad and Reince Priebus will also be in attendance. [Des Moines, IA]

Wednesday, 6:00 pm: Boy wonder Paul Ryan takes his toothbrush and slide projector to Georgia for a $10,000-a-couple fundraiser. [Atlanta, GA]

Wednesday, 7:00 pm: Deb Fischer, the GOP's Senate candidate in Nebraska, is given an assist from Marco Rubio, Mike Johanns and Dave Heineman. [Omaha, NE]

Got something to add? Send tips/quotes/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to Eliot Nelson (, Ryan Grim ( or Arthur Delaney ( Follow us on Twitter @HuffPostHill ( Sign up here:

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday weather forecast: Sunny, high of 84 |

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Retroware TV Famicom: An Introduction

The Famicom is one of my favourite consoles of all time. It?s hard to nail down exactly why I love the Famicom so much, seen as how us North Americans got pretty much the same thing (albeit in a much boxier and?greyer?variation) as the Nintendo Entertainment System only 2 years after Nintendo released the Family computer in Japan. While the Famicom was designed to look very much like a video game system, absurd and futuristic with its off-white and red color scheme and tiny (in comparison) candy-like hard-wired controllers, the NES was designed to blend in underneath our TV sets with our VCRs, Beta machines, and Laser Disc players. This was no accident. Nintendo of America was very intent on marketing the NES, initially at least, as a toy. No, it was not a video game console.

Home video game consoles nearly went extinct the early 80s, a victim of over saturation and lax quality control. This was not a video game. it was an Entertainment System, it was a toy! It came with a little robot and a bunch of weird gyro disks! Nintendo?s sly cover story worked, and by the late 80s kids in Canada and the US were ?playing with power? by the millions.

With the boom came the second coming of the video game. Nintendo and the NES single handedly saved the home video game and drove the first rusty nail into the coffin of the arcade machine. I got my Nintendo in 1988 when I was six years old, so its suffice to say that I grew up not knowing anything else. Pre-internet, all I knew of the Family Computer were the occasional thumbnail photo and blurb I saw in Nintendo Power or Game Players Magazine. I believe it is the alien nature of the Family Computer, or Famicom as it is officially abbreviated, that drew me towards it as an adult. Many of the games are nearly identical to the games I played growing up and still play today, while many have differences both large and small. Still others never escaped the land of the rising sun and were completely new experiences to me. The Family Computer was released by Nintendo in Japan in 1983. The original model featured hard-wired controllers and RF as the only output option.

Spurred by the success of Nintendo?s early arcade titles, the Famicom was devised as a direct connection for Nintendo into Japanese living rooms, bypassing the need to produce, distribute and develop expensive arcade hardware. The early Famicom titles were simple arcade style games, near perfect adaptations of many of their most popular arcade titles. The Famicom?s launch games were in fact all arcade ports; Popeye, Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong A unique aspect of the Famicom compared to other home video game consoles of the time, and the reason for its long life span and varied library of games, was the versatility of the hardware itself. An Atari game from 1978 is near identical in both appearance and sound to any game made in the waining days of the console. The Famicom however gave the opportunity for developers to improve their software without having to change the actual hardware. Popeye is a vastly different game from Castlevania III, although they both play on the same machine.

The Famicom was released 2 years before the Nintendo Entertainment System, and while Nintendo ceased producing the NES in 1995, Nintendo of Japan sold new Famicoms until 2003, giving the system an astonishing 20 year lifespan. The Famicom should rightfully be given the title the saviour of video games as we know it, as every advance that the NES made was built on a foundation the Famicom created. Nintendo and the NES may have saved the video game industry, but the Famicom was the boot in the mud that enabled them to take those first strides on the path to legend.


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LiquidPiston unveils 40-bhp X2 rotary engine with 75 percent - Gizmag

The internal combustion engine (ICE) has had a remarkably successful century and a half. Unfortunately, it?s notoriously inefficient, wasting anywhere from 30 to 99 percent of the energy it produces and spewing unburned fuel into the air. Last week, Gizmag interviewed Dr. Alexander Shkolnik, President and CEO of LiquidPiston, Inc. about the company's LiquidPiston X2 ? a 40-bhp rotary engine that burns a variety of fuels and requires no valves, cooling systems, radiators or mufflers, yet promises a thermodynamic efficiency of 75 percent.

Co-founder of LiquidPiston with his father Nikolay, Dr. Shkolnik believes that the internal combustion engine is at the end of its development cycle. According to Shkolnik, after 150 years the ICE has made as many incremental improvements as it can. Many varieties of ICE, such as the Otto cycle used by petrol engines and the Diesel cycle, have had their successful points, but all fall short of being as efficient at they could be. Even what seem like very efficient engines, like the diesel, aren?t as good as they might appear.

?Everyone would say at first glance that the diesel engine is more efficient (than the petrol engine). The truth is that if you had both engines at the same compression ratio, the spark-ignited engine has a faster combustion process and a more efficient process. In practice, it?s limited to a lower compression ratio otherwise you get spontaneous ignition.?

LiquidPiston?s approach to the problem was to go back to the basics of thermodynamics and work forward to develop what Shkolnik calls the ?High Efficiency Hybrid Cycle? (HEHC), which combines the features of the Otto, Diesel, Rankine, and Atkinson cycles.

The idea is to compress the air in the LiquidPiston X2 engine to a very high ratio as in the diesel cycle and then isolating it in a constant volume chamber. When fuel is injected, it?s allowed to mix with the air and it auto-ignites as in a diesel engine, but the fuel/air mixture isn?t allowed to expand. Instead, it?s kept compressed in a constant volume so it can burn over an extended period, as in the Otto cycle. When the burning fuel/air mix is allowed to expand, it?s then overexpanded to near-atmospheric pressure. In this way, all the fuel is burned and almost all of the energy released is captured as work. Shkolnik calls this use of constant volume combustion ?the holy grail of automotive engineering.?

Constant volume combustion and overexpansion provide an HEHC engine like the X2 with a number of benefits. Shkolnik points out that the X2 engine is exceptionally quiet because it burns all of its fuel. In current ICE engines, an alarming amount of fuel goes out the tailpipe. This not only cuts down on fuel efficiency and pollutes the air, it also makes the engine noisy. Since the X2 engine burns its fuel completely, there?s no need for complicated silencing apparatus.

The overexpansion used in the cycle also means that there is very little waste heat. An ICE only converts only 30 percent of its heat into work while the X2 engine has a thermal efficiency of 75 percent, so a water cooling system isn?t necessary. Water may be injected into an HEHC engine during compression or expansion for cooling, but doing so also helps to lubricate and seal the chamber and as the water cools the engine it converts into superheated steam, which boosts engine efficiency.

Shkolnik says that the X2 engine is a rotary because piston engines aren?t suitable for the HEHC and a rotary engine provides much more flexibility. Also, the use of a rotary design greatly simplifies the engine with only three moving parts and 13 major components required. That allows the X2 to be one-tenth the size of a comparable diesel engine.

When asked whether the X2 engine isn?t just an updated Wankel, Shkolnik pointed out that though both are rotary engines, the Wankel is very different. For one thing, it uses a straightforward Otto cycle like a piston engine and operates at a much lower compression rate than the X2. In comparison, the X2 engine is almost the opposite of a Wankel. ?It?s almost like the Wankel engine flipped inside-out,? said Shkolnik.

Not only does the X2 engine work on a different principle from the Wankel, but it doesn?t suffer from the same limitations. The X2 engine has a better surface to volume ratio, it doesn?t have the thermodynamic limitations of the Otto cycle and it doesn?t have the emissions problems of the Wankel. The Wankel has apex seals that are carried around with the rotor and need to be lubricated. To do this, oil has to be sprayed on them, which means that the Wankel is burning oil as it runs, resulting in the high emissions that have recently curtailed its use. The X2 engine, on the other hand, moves the seals from the rotor to the crankcase, so no special lubrication is required.

Another way that the X2 engine differs from the Wankel is that Shkolnik has no intention of it sharing the same fate as the Wankel, which turned into an automotive also-ran when put head to head with the ICE or hybrid electrics to power motor cars, (though he admits that the X2 engine would be an excellent range extender for hybrids). Instead, he plans to go after niche markets that can use the X2?s peculiar strengths.

One place where the X2 engine may have an advantage is in auxiliary power units (APUs). Shkolnik said that an enormous amount of diesel fuel is wasted by lorry drivers for ?hotel? purposes. That is, when they stop overnight they leave their engines idling to provide power for the living amenities of their long-distance rigs. Small, lightweight diesel power units with high fuel efficiency, he believes, would be particularly attractive.

Another area is military applications. The U.S. military has a need for APUs that can run on heavy fuels, which the X2 engine can. Also, the Pentagon is very keen on developing robots. According to Shkolnik, ?you can do amazing things with robots, but ask a robot to carry this giant engine and there?s problems.? He believes that the X2 engine may be the answer to these problems. In addition, the military has need of APUs for tanks, which suffer from extremely bad fuel efficiency from idling to run electronics.

Currently, LiquidPiston is running its original X1 engine in tests, which has been built after only a year from its first design concept. This month, the company unveiled the X2, which is a more fully integrated engine with a simpler construction, at the DEER Conference in Dearborn, Michigan. Shkolnik says that the X2 will be available for partner tests in 2013 as a new round of financing is launched and he hopes to have a preproduction prototype by 2014.

Source: LiquidPiston


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Early Metaphysical Ideas

Early Metaphysical Ideas

Are our actions the result of circumstances or are we directed by external influences such as Cosmic vibrations? There are individuals who are masters and creators of their destinies for part of their lives, and innocent victims of fate at other times.

Some individuals believe it is the environment that has gradually molded our civilization and made mankind what it is. Others believe you may want to lay aside that belief and think again. There is an ancient system of self-mastery that contains fundamental principles that suggest you have complete control over your fate and that mankind has always had it.

These fundamental principles were recorded centuries ago and were evolved through observation over time. The principles were founded and perfected by test and application and reveal that all life and all existence within the universe are expressed in cycles.

It was determined that the cyclic periods are equivalent to certain measured rhythmic stresses and cosmic impulses . So, at a certain time of the day there is a cosmic impulse that is specific for reaping the benefits of a specific human activity. Go work out at the gym during the G period on Friday, for example.

Enthusiasts who believe in these principles might set a wedding ceremony to begin at 5:30 pm on a Thursday in order to reap all the positive influences for their union. They have become masters of their fate because they have timed their union to begin when the cosmos is most in favor of marriage.

According to the true believers the newlyweds will have the advantage over couples who marry without this knowledge. The newlyweds believe there are cosmic vibrations that have negative effects on couples who marry during a time of negative influences related to marriage.

Modern scientists have found that there is a definite rhythm to the human breathing process and heart action that closely resembles the more pronounced rhythms of cosmic energy. These findings suggest that these vibrations influence all living things on the planet ? including plants. The findings also suggest that the influences can be timed and measured.

The ancients who studied these influences were convinced that we can become master of our fate by designing our activities around the daily cycles and time periods suggested in these studies. These studies began with ?The order of The Rosicrucians.? Further information regarding The Rosicrucians is available online.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

NEUROSIS Honor Found In Decay music reviews and MP3

Neurosis Honor Found In Decay album cover 0.00 | ratings | 0 reviews | 0% 5 stars
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Studio Album, released in 2012

Songs / Tracks Listing

1. We All Rage In Gold (6:36)
2. At The Well (0:21)
3. My Heart for Deliverance (11:40)
4. Bleeding The Pigs (7:20)
5. Casting Of The Ages (10:03)
6. All Is Found... In Time (8:50)
7. Raise The Dawn (5:57)

Total Time 60:47


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Music tabs (tablatures)

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Line-up / Musicians

- Scott Kelly / vocals, guitars
- Steve Von Till / vocals, guitars
- Dave Edwardson / bass guitar
- Noah Landis / synthesizer, organ, piano, samples
- Jason Roeder / drums

Releases information

Released by Neurot.

Thanks to Lynx33 for the addition
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Children with autism can identify misbehavior but have trouble putting it in words, study finds

ScienceDaily (Oct. 17, 2012) ? Children with autism have difficulty identifying inappropriate social behavior, and even when successful, they are often unable to justify why the behavior seemed inappropriate. New brain imaging studies show that children with autism may recognize socially inappropriate behavior, but have difficulty using spoken language to explain why the behavior is considered inappropriate, according to research published Oct. 17 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Elizabeth Carter from Carnegie Mellon University and colleagues.

The authors say the results of their functional MRI studies support previous behavioral studies that reached similar conclusions about language impairment in children with autism. In the current study, the researchers asked children with autism and children with typical development to identify in which of two pictures a boy was being bad (social judgment), or which of two pictures was outdoors (physical judgment). Both groups successfully performed the task, but the children with autism showed activity in fewer brain regions involving social and language networks while performing the task. Even though language was not required for the task, the children with typical development recruited language areas of the brain while making their decisions.

According to the authors, their results support the hypothesis that children with autism may recognize socially inappropriate behavior, but have difficulty using spoken language to explain why the behavior is considered wrong. They suggest that this decreased use of language may also make generalization of the knowledge more difficult.

"These results indicate that it is important to work with these children on translating their knowledge into language," says Carter.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Public Library of Science.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Carter EJ, Williams DL, Minshew NJ, Lehman JF. Is He Being Bad? Social and Language Brain Networks during Social Judgment in Children with Autism. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (10): e47241 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047241

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Physical Therapist -

Job Title
Physical Therapist Assistant - PTA in Home Care

Job Profile
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Few good options to secure Syria chemical arsenal

FILE - In this Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, a general view of hangars at a desert military training facility where U.S. forces are training Jordanian commandos in Russeifeh, Jordan, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. The U.S. and regional allies are closely monitoring Syria's chemical weapons but seem to have few good options other for securing the toxic agents stuffed into shells, bombs and missiles that have been caught in the midst of a raging civil war. (AP Photo/Mohammad Hannon, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, a general view of hangars at a desert military training facility where U.S. forces are training Jordanian commandos in Russeifeh, Jordan, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. The U.S. and regional allies are closely monitoring Syria's chemical weapons but seem to have few good options other for securing the toxic agents stuffed into shells, bombs and missiles that have been caught in the midst of a raging civil war. (AP Photo/Mohammad Hannon, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, a general view of hangars at a desert military training facility where U.S. forces _ and a handful of British allies _ are training Jordanian commandos in Russeifeh, Jordan, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. The U.S. and regional allies are closely monitoring Syria's chemical weapons but seem to have few good options other for securing the toxic agents stuffed into shells, bombs and missiles that have been caught in the midst of a raging civil war. (AP Photo/Mohammad Hannon, File)

BEIRUT (AP) ? The U.S. and regional allies are closely monitoring Syria's chemical weapons ? caught in the midst of a raging civil war ? but options for securing the toxic agents stuffed into shells, bombs and missiles are fraught with risk.

President Bashar Assad's embattled regime is believed to have one of the largest chemical weapons stockpiles in the world. Fears have risen that a cornered Assad might use them or that they could fall into the hands of extremists, whether the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, an Assad ally, or al-Qaida-inspired militants among the rebels.

For now, the main storage and production sites are considered secure. However, some suggest the civil war poses one of the gravest risks of losing control over non-conventional weapons since the breakup of the Soviet Union two decades ago.

Syria's suspected arsenal is scattered across a number of locations, mainly in the north and west, where fighting between Assad's forces and rebels seeking to oust him has been heaviest.

"We need to be up front that this is not something very easy to do," Steven Bucci, a former senior Defense Department official, said of attempts to keep the weapons locked up.

The price of military action against the arsenal is prohibitively high, Bucci and others say.

Airstrikes on chemical weapons depots could inadvertently release toxic clouds or expose them to looters. A ground operation would require thousands of troops, and the U.S. administration has pushed back on any suggestion of direct military action in Syria. Pinpoint operations by special forces could easily go wrong.

The issue has been a topic in the U.S. presidential campaign. Republican nominee Mitt Romney has said he would send U.S. troops into Syria if needed to prevent the spread of chemical weapons, while President Barack Obama has said that movement or use of chemical weapons would have "enormous consequences."

Syria's secrecy compounds the problem. Damascus hasn't signed non-proliferation agreements, long denying it has chemical weapons. Syria "is a black hole for us," said Michael Luhan of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, declining to give an estimate of the size of the arsenal because foreign inspectors are barred.

Other experts acknowledge there is no firm data and say they base their estimates largely on U.S. intelligence reports.

Syria is believed to have hundreds, if not thousands, of tons of chemical agents, said Leonard Spector, deputy director of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, California. This includes mustard gas, a blistering agent, and the more lethal nerve agents sarin and VX, he said.

The chemical agents are believed to be designed for use in artillery shells, aerial bombs and ballistic missiles, said Scott Stewart of the U.S. security think tank Stratfor.

It is not known to what extent the chemical agents have already placed in munitions. Bucci, of The Heritage Foundation, said he believed "most of it" has been put into artillery shells and rockets.

Bucci and Stewart estimate some 50 sites are associated with the program.

A map by the Monterey think tank shows four production sites: one 20 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of Aleppo, Syria's largest city and a major battleground, and three outside the cities of Hama, Homs and Latakia. Storage sites have been identified near Hama, Homs and the capital Damascus, which also has a research and development facility. Three sites are marked as having dual use infrastructure, for both civilian and military purposes.

Anxiety rose over the summer after the regime warned it might use chemical weapons against foreign attackers. Obama warned Assad that the threat of chemical warfare is a "red line" for the U.S. Even key Assad ally Russia told him to stand down.

Syria has not used chemical weapons, unlike Iraq's former leader Saddam Hussein. Analysts say the bigger threat is that the weapons fall into the wrong hands.

Such worries over the fate of advanced weaponry were highlighted on Friday, when a shadowy militant group known as Jabhat al-Nusra joined Syrian rebels in seizing a government missile defense base.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said late last month that Washington believes the main sites are secure but the regime apparently moved some chemical weapons to protect them. Panetta acknowledged that the U.S. doesn't know what happened to some of the weapons.

Spector told Congress this summer that the regime could lose control over chemical weapons sites, even as it holds on to Syria's urban centers. The rebels control stretches of countryside in the north and the west, close to where the main production facilities are believed to be, said Spector, a former senior U.S. arms control official. With front lines shifting, such sites could fall behind rebel lines or its regime guards could abandon them.

Hezbollah fighters, meanwhile, could take advantage of the chaos and try to loot installations. Israel, which fought a war with Hezbollah in 2006, has warned it would act, presumably by striking suspicious Hezbollah convoys.

However, the possibilities for military action are limited because of the size and decentralization of Syria's arsenal. Bucci and Stewart said airstrikes carry too much risk of harming civilians, while targeted operations would not be able to secure all sites simultaneously.

Using special forces "would necessitate putting troops in harm's way, without overwhelming support," said Stewart, a former anti-terrorism investigator at the U.S. State Department. "The only way to secure all the sites in a comprehensive manner is through a large ground force, which is politically untenable at this point."

Technical and political restraints could decrease the risks of militants obtaining and using chemical weapons.

Militant groups may lack the proper gear, training and logistics to move chemical weapons, said Michael Eisenstadt of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Some chemicals are stored in heavy bulk containers, while so-called binary munitions for missile warheads require separate components that are likely stored separately, he noted.

Smaller munitions, such as an artillery shell filled with chemical agents, would be easy to move, Bucci said. Militants could "fit it in a suitcase, carry it around and use it by hooking it up to other munitions," he said.

Hezbollah could be deterred by the threat of Israeli retaliation, said Stewart. Such payback would jeopardize Hezbollah's standing as a key military and political force in Lebanon.

"The largest concern is jihadist actors getting their hands on chemical weapons munitions and using them in the region," such as firing rockets at Israel or targeting Western diplomatic missions in the area, he said.

For now, the West's best options are deterrence and containment, analysts said.

This includes warning the regime and the rebels of the dire consequences of using or losing control of chemical weapons and working with Syria's neighbors, particularly Jordan and Turkey, to prevent chemical weapons from being smuggled out of Syria.

On Thursday, Jordanian officials confirmed that U.S. special operations forces and their Jordanian counterparts have been training at a compound some 80 kilometers (50 miles) from the Syrian border how to protect civilians from possible chemical attacks.

"With chemical weapons, it starts to get so beyond the pale," Bucci said of the potential threat. "It scares the heck out of everybody, rightfully."

Associated Press


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Muhammad Yunus announces financing in Haiti

Nobel peace laureate Mohammad Yunus speaks during a conference at the Montana Hotel in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. Yunus has announced that his pro-business development group is financing several endeavors through a mix of loans and equity. The projects that incorporate Yunus' development philosophy of "social business" include two poultry farms, a plantation of jatropha plants to be used for biodiesel, a bakery and a tilapia fish farm. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)

Nobel peace laureate Mohammad Yunus speaks during a conference at the Montana Hotel in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012. Yunus has announced that his pro-business development group is financing several endeavors through a mix of loans and equity. The projects that incorporate Yunus' development philosophy of "social business" include two poultry farms, a plantation of jatropha plants to be used for biodiesel, a bakery and a tilapia fish farm. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) ? Nobel peace laureate Mohammad Yunus announced Saturday that his pro-business development group is financing several endeavors through a mix of loans and equity.

The projects that incorporate Yunus' development philosophy of "social business" include two poultry farms, a bakery and a plantation of jatropha plants that can be used for biodiesel, offering an alternative energy source while creating jobs for 200 farmers.

The amount invested in each will range from $80,000 to $500,000, and feature loans with interest rates ranging from 6-10 percent.

Such "social businesses" must each have a social mission like a non-governmental organization, but also generate revenues to cover costs like a profit-making business.

Yunus, an international development expert, made the announcement on the first of a three-day trip to Haiti that includes field visits and a conference examining ways to use his development philosophy to ease poverty in Haiti.

It was the second time Yunus had come to Haiti since visiting a year ago to introduce his "social business" philosophy to the impoverished Caribbean nation. The country is still recovering from a January 2010 earthquake that toppled thousands of buildings and displaced more than 1 million people.

The Germany-based Yunus Social Business Fund, formerly the Grameen Creative Lab, opened an office in Haiti after the temblor.

Yunus is a Bangladeshi banker known for developing a microcredit program for entrepreneurs who were too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans.

He sits on a board of more than 30 philanthropists, former government leaders and executives that advise Haitian President Michel Martelly on economic matters. Former President Clinton, also the United Nations special envoy to Haiti, is a co-chairman.

Yunus also plans to launch a nationwide social business competition for university students before leaving Haiti on Monday.

Associated Press


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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Arizona Senate Race Turns Nasty (Taegan Goddard's Political Wire)

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Some older pets need the right Sturdy Indoor Dog Bed to help them with arthritis or joint pain. Choosing the right Pet Cot is very important to both you and your four legged friend. There are some things to consider when choosing the right Pet Cot, as there are many different types and styles to consider. To begin, you will need to observe how your dog sleeps. This will help you decide on the Sturdy Indoor Dog Bed for your pet. Some dogs and cats like to sleep in a stretched out position, either legs out to the side or lying on their belly, with their legs out in front.

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If you live in a warmer climate with hot summer months, you need to consider a Rover Pet Cot because it has a built in 360 degree air flow and its water proof. These Pet Cots are lightweight but very durable and will not rust, rot. Peel or flake. Our Pet Cots are perfect because they will not hold odor and clean up is a breeze. Our Sturdy Indoor Dog Bed assembles in minutes and no tools are needed to complete the job. Choose a Pet Cot that is the right size for your dog. The dog should be able to lie flat, completely stretched out on his side, without hanging off the Pet Cot.

All of our products are environmentally safe, will not rust or corrode, and are portable and light weight. They are safe for pet?s teeth, hair, and skin, and no tools are required for assembly. The policies and procedures of conducting business with Rover Company will not change.

We are, as we always has been, 100% committed to providing you with a level of customer service unsurpassed in the pet industry. We also do intend to continue in the direction of working hard to be green and friendly to our environment. All of our product line is made in the USA. Visit us online and just click and we ship. Please visit our website at


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