Sunday, September 30, 2012

Microsoft opens stores in New York, Delaware and New Hampshire to cheering crowds

1. GoBears posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

MIght have to take a roadtrip to NY and check it out!

10. JC557 posted on 6 min ago 0 0

I've been to the ones in San Diego and they're pretty nice. I can't wait till the WP8 phones and Surface products start filling the tables.

2. PapaSmurf posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

Free Samsung Series 9? Oh my.

3. PapaSmurf posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

Microsoft, open a store in Chicago!

4. PAPINYC posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

Damn, there's no way I'm jumping on a L.I.R.R. train to go check out that store; I would've gone tomorrow if it were in Midtown. Leave it to Microsoft to make a store inaccessible.

11. JC557 posted on 4 min ago 0 0

Apparently they do have some plans in place for Midtown but White Plains isn't too far... right now they're testing the waters, especially when there are Apple stores nearby.

5. KingKurogiii posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

i went to the opening in Orlando, FL and got a bunch of stuff including some Beats Solo HD's.

9. PapaSmurf posted on 30 min ago 0 0

I want to get them, but the price really isn't in my budget right now.

6. MISTER.H posted on 58 min ago 0 0

Microsoft is not Linux.....!

7. baldilocks posted on 38 min ago 0 0

I'm from Delaware....and why here? I can see New York, but Delaware and New Hampshire?

12. JC557 posted on 3 min ago 0 0

Well, there's always the tax free shopping in Delaware... and UD students.

8. Ronaldr posted on 36 min ago 0 0

Is there any more news in the location of the pop up stores coming for the holidays?

Microsoft opens stores in New York, Delaware and New Hampshire to cheering crowds


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Dragon Age: Reckoning.

Dragon Age: Reckoning.

The gray wardens are recruiting, will you be one of them. Play through the story of dragon age origins, but with others as well. (spots open)


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Very, very, very interested.

"It's not that I believe people are generally bad in nature, it's that..I know it with every fiber of my cold dark being."

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I'd like to reserve a spot, then promptly rush off to brush up on my knowledge of the Qun. Everyone can use a female Bas Saarebas, yeah?

Edit: What are we looking at experience-wise towards starting? Just realized I'm going to have to plan spells a little carefully. Which brings up the questions, will specialization classes be playing a part? I can't think of anything more fear-inducing than a pissed of Qunari Arcane Warrior Blood Mage.

I like Vanships. And flying cruise ships with massive diesel engines. Steam is cool and all, but diesel.

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News and Society Blog-Environmental Info: How Is Energy Created?

Energy is the power that lights up our homes, helps us in transportation and helps manufacture every kind of products. Creation or destruction of energy is not possible and it can only be changed from one form to another. Types of energy include both renewable and non-renewable resources.

Non-renewable Sources of Energy
Coal, petroleum and natural gas are fossil fuels that we use for producing various forms of energy. These are non-renewable sources of energy as they cannot be regenerated or created again. Uranium is also a non-renewable energy resource, which is employed in nuclear power plants.

To produce energy, these fuels undergo a process called combustion. Combustion leads to pollution, as it releases sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide that lead to global warming and acid rains.

Renewable Sources of Energy
Those sources of energy that can be reused over and again include wind, solar power, biomass, hydropower (water) and geothermal power. These are referred to as renewable or alternative energy, and can be defined as a form of energy that does not expend earth's limited resources and can be refilled quickly and easily.

Renewable energy does not generate pollution in gathering and production of power, unlike non-renewable energy. The sources of renewable energy are:

Wind turbines that generate or create electricity from the wind.

Sun is the biggest source of energy and produces solar power. Direct and indirect energy from the sun can be used to create electricity using solar or photovoltaic panels. Such panels are used in office and homes to generate electricity.

Natural products like wood, corn and manure help create biomass, which are used to generate heat by burning them.

Hydropower comes from rivers and dams. A turbine is located at places with high water currents. Flowing water activates the turbine, which in turn generates electricity.

The earth's crust generates geothermal mass through the extremely hot water or stream that is extracted from the crust by engineers. This is used to generate electricity.

Sun is the biggest source of energy that produces other sources. For example, wind is produced through the interaction between the atmosphere and the solar energy. Not only does the wind drive wind mills and power sailing ships, but it also helps a great deal in producing electricity.

Similarly, when solar energy interacts with the oceans, it sets hydrological cycle in motion. This cycle leads to rainfall and creates other potential energy through flow of water in rivers and streams, which in turn help create hydroelectric power.

Renewable energy has many advantages. It can be replenished and facilities generating this energy do not require large maintenance costs. As this form of energy does not produce harmful products and gases such as carbon monoxide, it does not harm the environment either. The fact is that the earth receives 6000 times of energy that is used throughout the world. The need of the hour is to transform this energy to suit our requirements and to help create and sustain a better environment for the current and future generations.

Graeme is writing on behalf of Business energy suppliers Haven Power

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Know Thyself

Change is constant in this universe. We should not be scared of its essence; instead we should be inspired to value its fecund purpose in ameliorating our civilization. Its significant role enlivens us to conquering more heights, reaching our dreams and fulfilling our destiny for the best thing in life. Change is called to be the evidence of life. We cannot grow as an individual if we will not undergo the process of change. It is not a clandestine for us to deny or deprived of because of its explicit goal which is to lead our way and hitch our wagon to the acme of success. Success brings our hopes for an impudence progress. It is our greatest ally to achieve it. To have such kind of determination for change, we must be open-minded to accept and recognize formidable reality around us. This acceptance opens many doors for opportunities. Let our flambouyant spirits grab it. Then, it will guide us in searching for the ultimate truth. This truth seems clairvoyant to the senses or a state of being. It is the primary goal of our existence ? to find reason behind our life. Many philosophers give different views regarding this matter but until now no one can perfectly presented us its true meaning and essence. Its quiddity is still oblivious for our senses to seize it faithfully.

When confronted with the issue of change, when faced with questions as to the way we formulated or organized it, when in a quandary of what the future will bring, we always take a pause; think and re-think; and look back at how things have been going lately. There were so many questions that bother us of what we must have to do which requires us in accepting reality. Have we really taken the right path to progress or change? Have we really moved towards a common direction? Have we really made sure that in all that we do, we think of the best future for ourselves or for everyone?

In my own little voice, I claim to the world that we are doing well and we actually have such mind set - submitting ourselves for the holistic conviction of accepting to undergo examination of our own self.

The unexamined life is not worth living for. These are words from the mind of philosopher who being sentenced to death because of his vocation and mission in life. What does this dictum tell us about? It reveals the reality of life. It depicts liberation from the slavery of ignorance. It upholds the culture of intellect. A revolt against the deception of stupidity makes it impossible to seek its contemplation as an eye-opener for the masses living in blind acceptance. For us to understand in maximum capacity the mystery of life that we have, we need to examine it. It will enable us to grasp answers to the questions that tickling in our minds. It will distort our senses in flexibility and astonishing realization. By examining our life, we will understand what we are, what we are doing and why we are doing such.

Examining or understanding is a revelling activity. It is a stupendous way of searching for the ultimate truth. That is I wanted to discover later on in my journey to fully grasp my existence living with Christ and like Christ.
An act of questioning is the evidence that convinces me that a person is thinking. I asked questions because I wanted to have answers. As if I was in a deep sleep, I was arisen by the clamour of perilous world. This perplexed reality leads my sight to wake up from my hasty sound sleep and challenge myself to scrutinize its existence.

Out of the juvenile world full of complexities, I am looking forward to think and search what is within me and ahead of me. So, I asked questions. I examined my well-being. I wondered for my existence. Who am I? What am I to do? What is its meaning? Who created that meaning? Does the meaning exist? I searched for the answers of these questions, until now. Answers I gained are indefinite for it continuous to evolve. It seemed to be unfathomable. Identifying my primary matter and of being my substantial form is not enough to attain its main or focal point.

Recognizing my strengths and weaknesses as well as my positive or pluses and negative or minuses attributes can be an aid to deepen my understanding. These are my guides to consider conscientiously searching for interminable happiness and life worth living of knowing myself.
This act of questioning with confidence, grants me to hear a spasmodic perpetual voice of my soul. It speaks of my existence. Henceforth, I am liberating from the chains of unquestioning acceptance of whatever is at hand. I am resisting with those truths that hold me back in the thoughtless conformity. So, I can say, I am free to live the life and lead the world, my world in a vintage deftness of my philosophy in life guided by the methodological and philosophical vehicle body of knowledge.

From accepting the reality of change to the sense of wonder processed through submission for life examination to liberation may lead to identify my personhood. It entails or necessitates me to know and to do something about myself. That is what I am doing now. With my personal conviction and own creativity. I am aiming for the highest intensity for the quest of my identity and purpose. It is a kind of determination in examining one?s life worthy to stand for and worth living for.

Author's Bio:?

As i took up Philosophy as my major, I realized many things about my own existence. Thus, knowing my very self is the first thing to do to know who I really am.


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Calif. man behind anti-Muslim film ordered jailed

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? The surrounding mystery of the man behind the crudely produced anti-Islamic video that sparked violence in the Middle East took a strange turn after he appeared in court and gave yet another name in a string of aliases.

Arrested on Thursday after authorities said he violated his probation from a 2010 check fraud conviction, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula told a judge his real name was Mark Basseley Youseff. He said he'd been using that name since 2002, even though he went by Nakoula in his fraud case.

The full story about Nakoula and the video "Innocence of Muslims" still isn't known more than two weeks after violence erupted in Egypt and Libya, where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in Benghazi. Violence related to the film has since spread, killing dozens more.

Citing a lengthy pattern of deception and the potential to flee, U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal ordered Nakoula to remain in prison without bond until another judge can hold a hearing to determine if he broke the terms of his probation.

"The court has a lack of trust in this defendant at this time," Segal said.

Prosecutors noted Nakoula had eight probation violations, including lying to his probation officers and using aliases. He could face new charges that carry a maximum two-year prison term.

After his 2010 conviction, Nakoula was sentenced to 21 months in prison and was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer, though prosecutors said none of the violations involved the Internet. He also wasn't supposed to use any name other than his true legal name without the prior written approval of his probation officer.

Three names, however, have been associated with Nakoula this month alone.

The movie was made last year by a man who called himself Sam Bacile. After the violence erupted, a man who identified himself as Bacile spoke to media outlets including The Associated Press, took credit for the film and said it was meant to portray the truth about Muhammad and Islam, which he called a cancer.

The next day, the AP determined there was no Bacile and linked the identity to Nakoula, a former gas station owner with a drug conviction and a history of using aliases. Federal authorities later confirmed there was no Bacile and that Nakoula was behind the movie.

Some of the false statements in Nakoula's alleged probation violations had to do with the film, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Dugdale said. Nakoula told probation officials his role was just writing the script, and denied going by the name Sam Bacile in connection with the film, Dugdale said.

Before going into hiding, Nakoula acknowledged to the AP that he was involved with the film, but said he only worked on logistics and management.

Nakoula, a Christian originally from Egypt, then went into hiding after he was identified as the man behind the trailer, which depicts Muhammad as a womanizer, religious fraud and child molester. He met with federal probation officials two weeks ago, led out of his home in suburban Cerritos in the middle of the night, flanked by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies and cloaked in heavy clothing to protect his identity.

The public got their first good look at Nakoula on Thursday, although the news media was banned from the courtroom and reporters had to watch the proceedings on a TV in a nearby courthouse.

Nakoula wore beige pants and a collared shirt when he was led into the courtroom handcuffed and shackled. He appeared relaxed, smiling at one point before the hearing and conferring with his attorney.

Nakoula's attorney Steven Seiden sought to have the hearing closed and his client released on $10,000 bail. He argued Nakoula has checked in with his probation officer frequently and made no attempts to leave Southern California.

Seiden was concerned that Nakoula would be in danger in federal prison because of Muslim inmates, but prosecutors said he likely would be placed in protective custody.

Lawrence Rosenthal, a constitutional and criminal law professor at Chapman University School of Law in Orange, said it was "highly unusual" for a judge to order immediate detention on a probation violation for a nonviolent crime, but if there were questions about Nakoula's identity it was more likely.

"When the prosecution doesn't really know who they're dealing with, it's much easier to talk about flight," Rosenthal said. "I've prosecuted individuals who'd never given a real address. You don't know who you're dealing with, and you're just going to have very limited confidence about their ability to show up in court."

Enraged Muslims have demanded punishment for Nakoula, and a Pakistani cabinet minister has offered a $100,000 bounty to anyone who kills him.

First Amendment advocates have defended Nakoula's right to make the film while condemning its content. And federal officials likely will face criticism from those who say Nakoula's free speech rights were trampled by his arrest on a probation violation.

In arguing that Nakoula is a possible flight risk, Dugdale said Nakoula couldn't even reveal something as fundamental as his real name.

"He's a person who simply can't be trusted," he said.


Associated Press writer Gillian Flaccus contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Accused Facebook stalker arrested for terrorizing women

New Jersey police are accusing a man of using several different online profiles to threaten multiple women, using information gleaned from their Facebook accounts. WCAU's Jesse Gary reports.

By Jackie Gailey, NBC10 Philadelphia

A Hamilton Township, N.J. man is accused of sending threatening messages on Facebook to several young people across South Jersey.

Craig Wyatt Jr., 20, was arrested by the New Jersey State Police Digital Technology Investigations Unit and investigators say charges are pending from nearly two dozen law enforcement agencies.

Wyatt told his victims they had a few weeks left to live, so they should spend their time wisely, according to investigators.

The investigation into the Facebook threats began to unfold in July, when the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) notified the New Jersey State Police that someone going by the name Jimmy Raketerra sent a threatening message to a juvenile from Browns Mills.

On Aug. 3, state police detectives were contacted by the Voorhees Township Police Department for assistance with four separate juvenile victims receiving threats via Facebook.

A bulletin was sent to all New Jersey Law Enforcement agencies to find out if there were other victims. Twenty-one police departments located victims, some adult females, who said they had been threatened by the same person.

Detectives identified Wyatt as the suspect. They interviewed Wyatt at his home on Sept. 20. Investigators say Wyatt admitted to using multiple Facebook accounts, email addresses and phone numbers to communicate with his victims.

Wyatt is charged with multiple counts of terroristic threats, theft of services and harassment. He is in the Atlantic County Jail on $35,000 bail.

Criminal charges are also pending from the following law enforcement agencies: Atlantic County Prosecutor?s Office, Bellmawr, Bordentown, Cherry Hill, Collingswood, Deptford, Denville, Eastampton, Egg Harbor, Evesham, Forham Park, Gloucester Township, Hamilton Township, Merchantville, Mount Holly, Pemberton, Southampton, Toms River, Voorhees and West Deptford.

Anyone with information that could assist with this investigation is asked to contact the New Jersey State Police at 609-584-5051, ext. 5624.

More from NBC10 Philadelphia:


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Friday, September 28, 2012


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Tea party hero changes tune to woo Ind. moderates

FILE - In this May 8, 2012 file photo, Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock speaks in Indianapolis. A conservative super PAC has jumped back into the Indiana Senate race with a nearly $1 million ad buy highlighting Democratic nominee Joe Donnelly's support for two of President Barack Obama's policies. The Indiana buy is part of more than $6.4 million worth of air time that Crossroads GPS and American Crossroads bought this week in six Senate contests, according to Federal Election Commission records. The money also was dedicated to races in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada and Wisconsin. (AP Photo/AJ Mast)

FILE - In this May 8, 2012 file photo, Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock speaks in Indianapolis. A conservative super PAC has jumped back into the Indiana Senate race with a nearly $1 million ad buy highlighting Democratic nominee Joe Donnelly's support for two of President Barack Obama's policies. The Indiana buy is part of more than $6.4 million worth of air time that Crossroads GPS and American Crossroads bought this week in six Senate contests, according to Federal Election Commission records. The money also was dedicated to races in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada and Wisconsin. (AP Photo/AJ Mast)

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Joe Donnelly answers questions during an interview with the Associated Press in Indianapolis, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. Donnelly is running against Republican Richard Mourdock to replace Richard Lugar. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

(AP) ? Richard Mourdock became one of the tea party's biggest winners of the 2012 primary season when he knocked off veteran Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar in a brutal campaign built on his contention that Lugar was too old, too out of touch and too friendly with Democrats ? a RINO, Republican in name only.

But the movement's biggest RINO hunter is now changing his tune as he tries to woo moderate voters in a tight race that stands as a key test of the tea party's ability to win outside the nation's most conservative states.

Mourdock is matched in the general election against moderate Democratic Rep. Joe Donnelly, who is running even in recent polls despite Indiana's Republican tilt. Suddenly, gone is the strident rhetoric in which Mourdock proclaimed that bipartisanship meant Democrats coming over to Republicans' thinking and that winning meant he would "inflict my opinion on someone else." In its place are support for parts of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, pledges to protect Democratic-championed programs like Social Security and Medicare, and even the once-shunned notion of compromise.

Welcome to "Extreme Makeover: Mourdock Edition."

Mourdock's awkward stagger to the center may be a necessary move if the Republicans are to hold a seat that had been a safe bet since Lugar first won it in 1976. The outcome will help determine whether the GOP manages to win control of the Senate, where Democrats now have a narrow four-seat advantage.

Advertising spending from both sides has topped $6 million so far and promises to explode in the final weeks. The candidates and outside groups have already surpassed the $5.6 million spent in Indiana's 2010 Senate battle.

The tea party has won Senate seats in South Carolina, Utah, Kentucky and Florida, but only one so far ? in Wisconsin ? in the more politically diverse Midwest. Mourdock and Texas Republican Ted Cruz represent the ultraconservative movement's best chance for increasing its clout in this election.

Rather than rally true believers, Mourdock is working now to tie himself closely to the state's popular governor, Mitch Daniels, who is a conventional business-executive Republican rather than a party insurgent, while tying Donnelly to Obama, who is expected to lose Indiana in November.

But the image change is a stretch for the 60-year-old former coal company executive, known for his fascination with motorcycles and race cars and for his sarcastic criticism of Republicans he considers not conservative enough.

Mourdock, who ran unsuccessfully for Congress three times before becoming state treasurer, won tea party acclaim for an outspoken role in the fight against the auto bailout, for his criticism of Republicans who voted for Obama's Supreme Court appointments and for calling Lugar's relationship with Obama a "bromance." While reliably conservative, Lugar sought common ground with Democrats on foreign policy issues, a stance Mourdock exploited in the primary.

Mourdock now argues he was never just a "tea partyer," but rather a regular Republican with conservative values.

"I've had a traditional base of Republicans out there," Mourdock insisted in an interview. "Are we going to have all those Lugar Republicans coming over? Some have been slower to join us. But, you know, we're getting there."

Indiana's shift to the right in recent years would seem to benefit Mourdock. The state has defunded Planned Parenthood, approved a right-to-work law that bars employers from requiring union membership and created one of the nation's broadest school voucher programs.

But Indiana voters have a penchant for split tickets and many are more accustomed to the buttoned-down Midwestern style of Republicanism evinced by the reserved Lugar, the former mayor of Indianapolis, and Daniels, a former corporate executive, than that of the brash Mourdock.

Polls indicate many voters were offended by Mourdock's slashing attacks on Lugar, even those who thought it was time for the 80-year-old senator to retire. In a statement, Lugar fed those doubts by saying Mourdock's hard-line approach is "not conducive to problem solving" and would be a ticket to failure as a lawmaker.

When the general election campaign revved up last month, a new Mourdock emerged with a milder message, bonding himself to Daniels and to well-known Republican surrogates such as Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman and Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn.

The transformation has left some Republicans shaking their heads.

"The night of the election he was singing the tea party's praises ? 'I couldn't have gotten elected without the tea party!' ? and then the clock turned midnight and he's a mainstream Republican," said Mike Murphy, an Indiana Republican strategist and former state representative.

Lugar supporter Anne Emison Wishard said Mourdock's change seems mostly cosmetic.

"I smell panic," said Wishard.

But Joe McKinney, a 59-year-old education professor at Ball State University who voted for Lugar, said the mainstream endorsements have made a favorable impression. They are "more moderate Republicans who seem interested in the issues I'm interested in," he said.

Donnelly says Mourdock's recent appearance at a tea party event in Texas with commentator Glenn Beck showed his true stripes and undercut his "ability to come back and talk to Hoosiers in the middle." Several prominent Lugar supporters have raised money or hosted meetings for Donnelly.

But Monica Boyer, co-founder of the tea party umbrella group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate, said Mourdock's different messages don't worry her.

As for Donnelly, she said, "He could campaign with Mother Teresa and he would still have 'Obamacare' stamped on his forehead."

Associated Press


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N. Korea 'Hotel of Doom' nearly done 30 years late

The pyramid-shaped 105-story Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea, appears to be almost complete in this picture on Sept. 23.

By Ian Johnston, NBC News

With more than 3,000 rooms, North Korea's enormous pyramid-shaped Ryugyong Hotel was designed to be a confident declaration of the isolationist communist state's status in the world.

More than three decades after it was supposed to open, the so-called "Hotel of Doom"?in the capital Pyongyang has recently shown signs that it is finally close to being finished, according to reports.

Visitors tour the top floor of the Ryugyong Hotel on Sept. 23. Some three decades after construction began, there is still some work to do.

But photographs released this week reveal that there is still some way to go.

When it's complete, Ryugyong will be one of the tallest hotels in the world, boasting not just one but five revolving restaurants, the?Business Insider website?noted.

PhotoBlog: Communist ideals still strong in China's Nanjie village

Despite not being open, the hotel has already gathered a number of reviews on its Google+ entry.

"This resort is a jewel ... It's unreal how trendy this place is with its neoclassical industrial decor, exotic cuisine, and world class casino that rivals anything in Vegas. The shopping is fabulous, especially if you are in to [sic] antiques. Apparently, antiques are trendy for decades...even the dust is trendy! Definitely one for the bucket list," said one tongue-in-cheek reviewer, who set the tone for the others.

Read more stories about North Korea here

Elizabeth Dalziel / AP

From work to play, see pictures from inside the secretive country.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This project in Macon, GA proves that a few changes can make a ...

As an outdoor structure builder I meet with homeowners that are searching for outdoor spaces to fit their individual needs. These needs may encompass adding more space to a patio for dining, or making changes to their existing space to accommodate lifestyle and health changes. Many times I meet homeowners that have more specific needs, such as mobility challenges. My goal is to create the solution that provides the best for each individual customer. Many builders look at projects that involve accommodating mobility challenges as architectural or technical challenges. Archadeck of Central Georgia looks at finding solutions from a caring point of view in order make the form fit the function instead of the other way around.

macon - deck stairs

Design rendering for upcoming deck stair project in Macon, GA.

This particular project in Macon, GA initially began as a ramp construction. The codes regarding ramp construction are very strict when it comes to the required length and elevation changes. After discussing the options with the homeowner we came up with a plan that was a nicer alternative to a ramp. A gentle set of stairs that gently ascend and descend turned out to be the perfect option for this homeowner. We were able to achieve the three key aspects that were crucial to this project. The design functions just as it needs to, looks the way the homeowners want it to and is in the right price range.

abaco decking - macon GA

Abaco decking features a grooved side which is perfect for added stability and traction.

When you are building with the specific needs of mobility challenges in mind, often times functional doesn?t mean it will look the part or be affordable. We were able to do use stairs with a shallower rise, longer tread and wider pass to take care of this homeowner?s needs. Seven to 7-1/2 inches is the standard vertical distance on the rise of most stairs. We were able to move that down to 4 inches to make the step easier for a homeowner to travel. By adding an additional board for the tread area of the stair you can increase the depth of the area from a traditional tread length of 10 inches up to 15.5 inches to add a roomier and safer tread. Our standard 4 foot wide stairs allow for easy traffic flow and are also a great benefit for mobility. With a nice 4 foot stair if you stumble you can still easily reach both sides of the rail. We can also add a grab rail on the railing that is specifically designed to steady you. This inclusion is required by code on commercial projects, but not on residential projects in our area.

Another added safeguard to our stair design is the area where the landing begins. This is typically 4 feet which allows space at the top of the stairs to be able to open and close the door. In many projects this is not always possible, but in special circumstances it can make a huge impact on the design. If a smaller landing presents issues, we can sometimes reverse the door swing to swing in rather than out to compensate for the lack of space available at the landing area.

When keeping mobility in mind, we always use decking which meets or exceeds the code for slip resistance. Some materials work better than others when choosing a stair that will aid in mobility. For this project we chose Abaco hardwood decking which is grooved on one side for less slippage and better traction. Abaco is a beautiful tropical hardwood decking that resists splintering, twisting and cracking. It is not only readily used for added traction is also a natural hardwood that requires less maintenance?than standard pressure treated pine.

Our caring and personalized solutions to the homeowner?s needs are one of the things that makes Archadeck of Central GA unique. These Macon, GA homeowners are looking forward to their completed stairs and the way in which they will add greater freedom to their outdoor lifestyle and safety as well.Stephen Denton, owner of Archadeck of Central GA

If you or someone in your family is facing special circumstances or mobility issues we can help. Archadeck of Central Georgia can design an outdoor space with their special needs in mind that will enable continued outdoor enjoyment for everyone in the family. Contact for a free consultation (478) 745 ? 2000

To see more examples of outdoor spaces that utilize specific needs and function visit our Wooden deck gallery and?composite and vinyl deck gallery located on our website, many of our designs use slip resistant decking that can aid in improving traction and safety in your outdoor space.



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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Self-driving cars are now street legal in California

VIENNA (Reuters) - A suggestion to turn the Austrian house where Adolf Hitler was born into normal residential space has triggered a debate about how best to use an empty property still packed with historic baggage decades after World War Two ended. The man who became Nazi dictator was born in the house in Braunau on the Inn, a town near Salzburg on the German border, in April 1889. His family lived there only three years, but his link to the three-storey building has left an indelible mark. ...


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Asian shares lackluster as growth worries weigh

TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian shares edged lower on Tuesday after Germany's business confidence fell in September for a fifth consecutive month and Caterpillar Inc , the world's largest earth moving equipment maker, cut its earnings forecast, underscoring worries about slowing global growth.

Uncertainty about the bailout prospects for Greece and Spain, as the euro zone's three-year-long debt crisis rumbles on, also weighed on investors' risk appetite.

The MSCI index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan <.miapj0000pus> was choppy, caught in a plus 0.1 and minus 0.1 percent range.

Resources-reliant Australian shares <.axjo> eased 0.28 percent as a weaker outlook for industrial metals hurt sentiment, while Hong Kong <.hsi> and Shanghai <.ssec> shares were down 0.18 percent and 0.4 percent, respectively.

Oil, copper and gold rebounded from the previous day's losses while the euro also recovered as the dollar eased slightly. But the safe-haven yen firmed against the dollar.

"It's incredibly difficult to ascertain what fair prices are when central banks are completely distorting financial realities by just throwing money at problems and trying to squeeze growth out of awfully over-indebted private sectors and public sectors," said David Baran, co-founder of Tokyo-based hedge fund Symphony Financial Partners.

"That makes it very hard for investors to have confidence in what they are doing, and clearly that's why you are seeing a race to the safest perceived instruments," he said.

Tokyo's Nikkei average <.n225> edged up 0.3 percent in thin volume on the last day for getting on ownership rolls for mid-term dividends from many shares. <.t/>

"The dividend seekers are driving gains, and there are also some investors desperately trying to keep the benchmark above 9,000 before the end of the first half of the financial year on Friday," said Hideyuki Fukunaga, CEO of Investrust.

The German Ifo institute's monthly business sentiment index fell for a fifth successive month in September to its lowest level since early 2010, with the outlook component touching its worst level since May 2009.

"This lends support to the thesis that the weaker growth outlook is spreading to the EU core," Barclays Capital said in a note.

Citing weakness in the world economy, Caterpillar cut its 2015 earnings forecast, raising chances of weak guidance from other firms in the run up to the U.S. earnings reporting season.


Markets had welcomed additional stimulus packages from the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, as well as the European Central Bank's move aimed at easing the burden of heavily indebted euro zone states seeking aid.

But investors soon returned their focus back to the weak economic fundamentals which drove central banks into action in the first place.

Deputy finance ministers and central bankers of the Group of 20 wealthy and leading emerging nations agreed that central bank stimulus was not enough to fix the ailing global economy, and governments must increase their efforts to boost growth.

The International Monetary Fund's Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on Monday the IMF is set to cut its forecast for global growth next month when it updates its projections for the world economy. The IMF/World Bank meetings will be held in Tokyo on October 12-14.

The Bank of Japan's current account balance hit a record high of 44.21 trillion yen on Monday, as the bank further eased its already very loose policy last week.

But the accommodative stance has not weakened the yen, which traded at 77.83 yen, barely above Monday's one-week high against the dollar of 77.805, while the dollar has felt the Fed's easing effect, with U.S. Treasuries' yields inching lower.

The dollar index measured against a basket of key currencies <.dxy> was down 0.01 percent at 79.511.

The euro edged up 1 percent to $1.2944 but remained vulnerable as investors waited for Spain to present its draft budget plan for 2013 and unveil new structural reforms, as well as the results of stress tests on the country's banking sector.

Spain has come under renewed pressure from markets, and risks a downgrade of its sovereign debt rating to junk status by ratings agency Moody's, which is expected to announce its review soon. Madrid also faces a 27.5 billion euro ($35.52 billion)refinancing at the end of October.

Spain has not made clear whether or not it would seek an external sovereign bailout, and EU officials said Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was not expected to do so before a regional election in his native Galicia on October 21.

Another typical safe-haven asset, gold, steadied to around $1,764.69 per ounce, after falling on Monday as investors took profits from the jump in prices to $1,787.20 per ounce on Friday, their highest since February 29.

U.S. crude rose 0.4 percent to $92.31 a barrel, while Brent added 0.3 percent to $110.15 as escalating tensions surrounding Iran offset concerns about weak demand in a still-fragile global economy.

London copper rose 0.6 percent to $8,231.50 a metric ton.

Asian credit markets softened slightly, pushing the spread on the iTraxx Asia ex-Japan investment-grade index wider by 2 basis points.

(Additional reporting by Sophie Knight in Tokyo; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)


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Monday, September 24, 2012

JudahWorldChamp: I hope u enjoyed the Chinese food I delivered. @Blav3 @jgoldz56

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Poll: NJ Residents Oppose Expanding Casinos Beyond Atlantic City ...

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) ? A new poll finds New Jerseyans oppose expanding casino gambling beyond Atlantic City. They also don?t want the state to extend tax credits to help the gambling halls.

The Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind Poll shows 56 percent of voters surveyed are opposed to casinos anywhere else but in Atlantic City. Thirty-five percent say casinos should be added elsewhere in the state.

When it comes to tax breaks like those received by the new $2.4 billion Revel casino to help it open, 49 percent oppose such state aid, while 41 percent approve.

The statewide telephone poll of 901 voters has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.

(? Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

No Surprise - Most Mobile Video Delivered Through WiFi

The latest report from mobile video ad network Rhythm NewMedia suggests that 70% of videos delivered to mobile devices uses WiFi for the data streams.? That's up from last year, when about half used WiFi for mobile video access.? (The numbers are for delivery of their videos, but should reflect general use patterns).? Their most recent quarterly report also indicated that half of tablet users watched videos or clips on their tablets more than once a week; the report for the previous quarter noted that people had a strong preference for tablets over smartphones for their viewing.? Rhythm NewMedia also noted that a survey indicated that more than half of tablets are shared by 2 or more users, while smartphones are rarely shared.
? Another survey result suggested that mobile news users may be starting to regularize their news consumption - about half of those who visited a news site on their mobile devices "today" had also visited that site "yesterday".?? This suggests a certain stickiness that could evolve into habit.
? The report suggested several factors that contributed to the continued growth of mobile video use and the increased use of WiFi - the proliferation of WiFi networks, particularly in homes; the rapid adoption of tablets (primarily used at home); and a conscious shift to WiFi from wireless as wireless operators shift to capped data plans that can ring up heavy data charges for mobile video users.? In addition, there is a separate trend in terms of increasing use of online videos and video streaming - a report from Cisco projects continued growth in the share of all mobile traffic.? In 2011, video accounted for 52% of mobile data flow; Cisco predicted that video will have accounted for 58% of all mobile traffic in 2012.

Source - Rhythm: Wi-Fi Powering Most Mobile Video,? Online Media Daily


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Friday, September 21, 2012

US begins test flights of MV-22 Osprey in Japan

(AP) ? The U.S. Marines are conducting their first test flights of the MV-22 Osprey aircraft in Japan after months of protests there over safety concerns.

The hybrid aircraft can take off like a helicopter and fly like an airplane. Flight operations were conducted Friday at a base in southern Japan where they are temporarily deployed before being transferred to Okinawa.

Following two recent crashes, tens of thousands of Okinawans have protested the deployment, saying that they are not safe to fly in Okinawa's crowded environment.

But Japan's central government gave the green light for operations to begin this week after a visit by U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who said Washington is confident in the safety of the aircraft. The planes are to head to Okinawa this month.

Associated Press


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Arctic ice shrinks to all-time low; half 1980 size

WASHINGTON (AP) ? In a critical climate indicator showing an ever warming world, the amount of ice in the Arctic Ocean shrank to an all-time low this year, obliterating old records.

The ice cap at the North Pole measured 1.32 million square miles on Sunday. That's 18 percent smaller than the previous record of 1.61 million square miles set in 2007, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo. Records go back to 1979 based on satellite tracking.

"On top of that, we're smashing a record that smashed a record," said data center scientist Walt Meier. Sea ice shrank in 2007 to levels 22 percent below the previous record of 2005.

Ice in the Arctic melts in summer and grows in winter, and it started growing again on Monday. In the 1980s, Meier said, summer sea ice would cover an area slightly smaller than the Lower 48 states. Now it is about half that.

Man-made global warming has melted more sea ice and made it thinner over the last couple decades with it getting much more extreme this year, surprisingly so, said snow and ice data center director Mark Serreze.

"Recently the loss of summer ice has accelerated and the six lowest September ice extents have all been in the past six years," Serreze said. "I think that's quite remarkable."

Serreze said except for one strong storm that contributed to the ice loss, this summer melt was more from the steady effects of day-to-day global warming. But he and others say the polar regions are where the globe first sees the signs of climate change.

"Arctic sea ice is one of the most sensitive of nature's thermometers," said Jason Box, an Ohio State University polar researcher.

What happens in the Arctic changes climate all over the rest of the world, scientists have reported in studies.

The ice in the Arctic "essentially acts like an air conditioner by keeping things cooler," Meier said. And when sea ice melts more, it's like the air conditioner isn't running efficiently, he said.

Sea ice reflects more than 90 percent of the sun's heat off the Earth, but when it is replaced by the darker open ocean, more than half of the heat is absorbed into the water, Meier said.

Scientists at the snow and ice data center said their computer models show an Arctic that would be essentially free of ice in the summer by 2050, but they add that current trends show ice melting faster than the computers are predicting.



The National Snow and Ice Data Center:


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Lisa Lampanelli shows off massive weight loss

By Courtney Hazlett, TODAY

Lisa Lampanelli made a splash on "Celebrity Apprentice" as one of the show's more polarizing stars. Now she's making a mark in the weight loss world. Lampanelli tells In Touch Weekly that she's lost 80 pounds and is now a size 12 after undergoing gastric-sleeve surgery in April.

In Touch Weekly, Getty Images

Lisa Lampanelli shows off her new look, left, and in New York in February.

"I feel so much healthier," Lampanelli, who weighed as much as 248 pounds at one point, told the magazine. ?Crazy diets, good diets ? you can?t name a diet I didn?t do. Finally I said, 'I?ve tried it all, and there?s no shame in taking the next step.' The doctor who ultimately did my procedure explained that obesity risks are much greater than the risks for this surgery."

Lampanelli said that she was once an overeater, but since having the surgery, "I get full quickly -- at three, four bites, I have to stop."

Her stomach will stretch out again, but Lampanelli told In Touch that this weight loss is going to be permanent. "I'm keeping a close watch. I don't want to gain again."

Also in TODAY entertainment:


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

U.N. Security Council split over children and armed conflict

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - China, Russia, Pakistan and Azerbaijan abstained from a U.N. Security Council vote on children and armed conflict on Wednesday over concerns that the U.N. envoy on the issue can investigate any conflict, not just those before the council.

The remaining 11 members of the Security Council voted in favor of the resolution that laid out the mandate for Leila Zerrougui, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's special representative for children and armed conflict.

Zerrougui, an Algerian who recently replaced Radhika Coomaraswamy, works to promote and protect children's rights during armed conflicts and identifies countries and groups that kill, maim or rape children in conflicts, or recruit and use children as soldiers.

The four abstaining states argued that the work of the special envoy was restricted to conflicts before the council, and that this limit should have been more clearly reflected in the resolution.

"The sphere of activities of (the special envoy) does not cover all issues of protecting children in armed conflict, but only those situations that are on U.N. Security Council's agenda," said Russia's Deputy U.N. Ambassador Sergey Karev.

A report by Ban to the Security Council on children and armed conflict, based on the work of his envoy, covers conflicts in 23 countries, of which 16 are on the council agenda and seven are not - Colombia, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, the southern border provinces of Thailand and Yemen.

"The mandate of the Security Council resolution cannot be wilfully interpreted to equalize the incidents of terrorist attacks in Pakistan to armed conflict," China's U.N. Ambassador Li Baodong told the council.

"The international community should provide more support and help to Pakistan's effort to counter terrorism rather than creating difficulties and obstacles," he said.


Ban's report said that children in Pakistan were being used by armed groups allied to Islamist extremists to carry out in suicide attacks and were victims of indiscriminate attacks. It also said armed groups continued to target schools in bomb attacks.

Pakistan's U.N. Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar described the report's section on Pakistan as "unwarranted and completely misleading." He said Pakistan would have voted against the resolution, but instead abstained to show a willingness to work with Zerrougui and a commitment to the issue.

Britain's U.N. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said that during negotiations on the resolution, some countries proposed amendments "whose effect would have been unacceptably to constrain the role of the special representative."

"We could not accept the assertion made by some council members that (the former envoy Coomaraswamy) over-reached her mandate in the conduct of her business. That accusation is completely unfounded," Lyall Grant told the council.

New conflicts included in the U.N. report - which covers 2011 - were those in Syria and Libya, while those in Haiti and Burundi were removed. It accused 52 armed forces and groups of violating the rights of children. Ten of them were government forces, while the rest were non-state armed groups.

"The situation for children in Syria is dire," Zerrougui told the council on Wednesday.

"My staff and other United Nations colleagues have documented government attacks on schools, children denied access to hospitals, girls and boys suffering and dying in bombardments of their neighborhoods, and also being subject to torture, including sexual violence, sometimes for weeks," she said.

Zerrougui added that since the publication of the report, her office had received information about bomb attacks by opposition groups that have killed children, and that the Free Syrian Army "may have children associated with their forces."

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Xavier Briand)


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